Packages available
An unforgettable experience

Experimente el epítome de la exclusividad en MOWANA, donde nuestro dedicado equipo se ocupa de su
Snorkeling (equipo de calidad proporcionado).
Comida costarricense a bordo.
Regreso para admirar el atardecer a bordo.
Duración: 6h30 aproximadamente.
12 personas máx.
Tarifas - (hasta 2 personas): $730
Más precios
Cada día:
desde las 11.30 hasta el atardecer
What to expect....
During this exceptional day, departing from the bay of "Potrero", you will sail along the Gold Coast of Costa Rica and admire breathtaking landscapes, the most beautiful beaches in the Pacific and in the world.
For reference, Playa CONCHAL "Crystalline" referenced named in 2022 as the most beautiful beach in the world by several magazines.
Other beautiful beaches in our coast:
"Danta & Dantita"
"Pan de azucar"
"Nombre de Jesùs"
You will have the chance to see rays, turtles, and many other marine mammals.
Depending on the season, you will able to spot different whales during our trips around the bay of Potréro.

The course
You will sail mainly around the bay of "Potrero", either towards Playa "Conchal" on the South, or towards the North at the gates of playa "Del Coco".
From Playa Potrero you will be picked up at the beach and brought on board of the Mowana by our team.
After giving you the safety instructions, you will sail along the gold coast to a snorkeling point where you can dive and admire the marine life.
After snorkeling, we will invite you back on board for a delicious late lunch, serving a traditional meal and refreshing drinks, allowing you to recharge and unwind under the beautiful coastal skies.
Drinks are unlimited on the boat.
(Soda, a variety of soft drinks, beers, rum...to be consumed in moderation).
As the day draws to a close, you'll sail back to the starting point, soaking in the awe-inspiring sunset that Costa Rica offers, creating a perfect finale to your sea trip on the MOWANA.
Useful information
Puntos importantes que debes saber antes de salir de excursión.
If needed
Our boat is equipped with toilets
para traer contigo
Remember to take: towels, sunglasses, sunscreen, hat, camera
Explore the sea life
Equipo de snorkeling de calidad, apto para todas las edades, proporcionado por Mowana.
Knowing how to swim...or not
If you don't know how to swim, please let the Captain know, he will provide you with a life jacket for the excursion.
Comidas y alergias
Si es alérgico, infórmenos con anticipación para que podamos prepararle una comida especial.
Where to park
Puedes aparcar junto a la playa en el punto de recogida.
1 h
70 dólares estadounidenses1 h 30 min
120 dólares estadounidenses45 min
90 dólares estadounidenses2 h
90 dólares estadounidenses1 h
80 dólares estadounidenses1 h
70 dólares estadounidenses